Crossing Cultures: Thriving in Global Workplaces Through Personal Adaptation and Success

Economic migration is more prevalent than ever in the 21st century, and employers rely on moving professionals across borders globally. However, this migration often brings to light significant cultural challenges that can impact career trajectories and personal growth.

6 min readApr 24, 2024

Numerous skilled professionals encounter unforeseen obstacles and feel their skills and backgrounds are unappreciated because of cultural differences. As a young female born in the 1990s who has resided, studied, and worked in Africa, the United States, and Europe, I have personally encountered cultural disparities and am prepared to offer my perspective and that of my connections. Consequently, this short blog draws from the personal stories of various people sharing their difficulties and tactics for overcoming these obstacles.

Understanding the Impact of Language Barriers

Communication poses a challenge for numerous individuals living abroad. I recently relocated to Geneva, Switzerland, where the primary language is French, though English is also widely spoken. Despite the presence of English-speaking colleagues in the international organization I am part of, there are instances when language barriers can complicate acclimating to a new environment.

The Jet d’Eau a large fountain in Geneva
A photo of the Jet d’Eau in Geneva by Elvira Khwatenge

Individual A, who has ten years of expertise in her area, expressed her dissatisfaction with ten years of expertise in her area. She conveyed her dissatisfaction at consistently being turned down for positions in her new nation simply due to her lack of fluency in the native tongue. This feeling was mirrored by Individual B, an acquaintance residing in Germany, who revealed that although certain businesses function in English, the native language frequently remains a factor or prerequisite in Germany, creating job hurdles for numerous expatriates’ spouses.

chateau de berlin
Picture from Chateau de Berlin by Elvira Khwatenge

The discussion regarding language proficiency is complex. I conducted a portion of my study in Tanzania, where Swahili is the designated language, and it wasn’t until I resided here that I realized I needed to enroll in Swahili classes even though I possessed some understanding of the language. This also implied that I could not easily secure certain jobs unless I refined the main language of interaction. Even though Englishis used, you might notice that most individuals prefer to carry out official tasks in Swahili, which can be exasperating. During this period, I discussed my worries with Individual C, who emphasized that speaking the native language is crucial for specific positions, underscoring the significance of language abilities in cultural assimilation, which is accurate. Nevertheless, while it is tiring yet necessary, perseverance in continuing to attempt is essential despite the obstacles.

Mt Meru, in Arusha Tanzania
A phot of Mt Meru in Tanzania by Elvira khwatenge

The Role of Cultural Integration in Professional Settings

Numerous experts have also shared their stories of adjusting to new cultural norms to increase their hiring chances. Individual D originally from an english speaking country shared his experiences in Germany and South Africa, where he had to grasp the intricacies of clear communication and local jargon to blend in more smoothly. It may not seem like a big deal, but it can make a big difference if you aim to connect and become a part of the community or company.

Individual E found that even professional jargon could vary greatly between countries, influencing how abilities and knowledge are perceived and appreciated. I can relate to the differences in terminology coming from a background in computing. Ihave come across variations in different regions, sectors, and even among professionals in the same field. The downside is the potential for confusion or misunderstandings.

For instance, while the concept of “cloud computing” is universally recognized, the terms used to describe it can differ; in North America, it’s often referred to as “the cloud,” whereas in French-speaking European regions, it might be known as “Informatique en Nuage.” Another example is the position of a “full stack developer,” which is recognized in the United States by this precise term. However, in the United Kingdom, the same role might be called a “full stack engineer,” with minor differences but similar responsibilities, covering both front-end and back-end development. The terminology used for software issues: “bug” is commonly used to describe a flaw or mistake that leads to incorrect results. At the same time, “glitch” is more casual and typically used to describe temporary malfunctions or irregularities, not necessarily coding errors. Computing devices such as a “data center” in the United States are known as a “data centre” in Commonwealth countries.

Likewise, portable storage devices are known as “flash drives,” “thumb drives” in the United States, and “USB sticks” in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe. Nevertheless, they all refer to the same technology, which also applies to spelling terms. These differences can impact your job prospects, so you must be mindfulof how you communicate.

An architect named F from Indonesia, currently residing in Italy, introduced a unique perspective to our discussion on the impact of cultural beliefs and standards on professional acknowledgement and advancement. Despite her impressive qualifications and expertise, she discovered that her credentials and previous accomplishments had to be more appreciated than graduates from the local area.

Strategies for Overcoming Cultural Barriers

Drawing from my own encounters and the anecdotes shared by my peers and comrades working in foreign lands, I have consolidated our approaches to tackling and surmounting these societal hurdles. A unanimous consensus was reached on the importance of perpetual education and adjustment, achieved through the acquisition of indigenous dialects and adherence to customary practices in order to harmonize with the presumptions of prospective employers. Additionally, it was noted that at times, it is prudent to actively seek out conducive environments. To illustrate, a multitude of individuals, including myself, actively pursue organizations that appreciate and prioritize global exposure and cultural plurality, viewing it not as a hindrance but as a valuable attribute.

  1. The importance of customs and self-awareness is evident in our ability to comprehend and adjust to the business etiquette of our country. Through personal experiences, showcasing my value through tangible outcomes and making modifications, such as scheduling and the sequence of tasks, is vital.
  2. For instance, gatherings commence in numerous African indigenous organizations and conclude with prayers. I mistakenly overlooked this when I arranged a workshop and failed to incorporate the opening and closing prayer into the schedule. The practice of prayer was absent in my previous encounters in American and European settings. Individual K proposed cultivating resilience and patience to navigatechallenges, as adversity is a prevalent reality for many.
  3. I also advocate for carefully observing how colleagues and locals communicate and engage with one another to gain insight into implicit cultural standards and expectations. One of my most gratifying achievements is actively engaging in communal events and social functions, which allows for a deeper immersion into the local culture.
  4. Due to my strong interest in these causes, I predominantly volunteer at homeless shelters, food initiatives, and environmental projects. Places of worship have proven beneficialfor my associates and acquaintances who are religious; I find it worthwhile to explore these to grasp local traditions and customs. This demonstrates respect and a willingness to assimilate, which is often well-received by locals and colleagues.
  5. In professional environments, particularly during intricate negotiations or meetings where cultural misinterpretations may occur, cultural liaisons or intermediaries can help bridge the communication gap and ensure mutual understanding. I would like to acknowledge my friend Rue, who assisted in negotiating property deals in Geneva, and several friends in Tanzania, who helped with my restaurant orders and administrative tasks.
  6. Another accomplishment is remaining adaptable and receptive to diverse thought processes. This enables a quicker adjustment to new surroundings and alleviates the stress associated with change. It is incredible how even minor adjustments can yield significant results, but it is crucial to remember strategy number 8.
  7. Person C’s final advice in this article was to regularly reflect on and adapt to your experiences, being willing to modify your approach because what may be effective in one context may not translate well in another, even within the same country.


To pause this conversation, look at an intricate terrain where cultural variances substantially influence work lives. Despite the difficulties presented, the collective encounters reveal a common reality: flexibility, strength, and a hands-on attitude towards education are essential for conquering hurdles and thriving as foreign residents. The path may be arduous, but it also offers abundant chances for development and enlightenment. Individuals in the workforce navigating these challenges are progressing in their professions and evolving into more adaptable and internationally aware persons; we enjoy being involved in these transformative experiences.

Disclaimer* All these experiences, suggestions, and opinions are based on our stories and do not apply to everyone, but we hope they can help you settle in when you move.




EdTech enthusiast, Blockchain, Augmented Reality, Traveller, volunteer, and Semi-Professional Tennis player