Defining my success agenda and opinion-family first

4 min readDec 16, 2022

Growing up is different from all the lessons you get from people around you, parents, teachers, and friends -remember, it takes a village to raise a child. The child has grown, but they have different values. What is my opinion?

What were you told vs. what you believe in? as a person

I have had many opportunities in my life, but none materialized from doing nothing; I have had to lift a finger here or an eye there, sleepless nights or early morning, no lunch or no weekend to put it together; what is the cost of this sacrifice vs. the outcome?

an Edward fielding coin-operated optical binoculars from my trip to the Niagara Falls

It is natural for individuals to develop their values and beliefs as they grow and experience different things in life. Growing up involves learning from the people around you and your own experiences and making decisions. Your unique experiences, values, and beliefs shape your opinion. It is important to remember that your opinion is valid, and you have the right to express it. However, it is also essential to be open to learning from others and considering different perspectives. It is okay to have different values than those around you, and it is important to respect the differences in others’ values.

I have values; I am a career woman and love working and getting compensated for my time and skills but don't confuse this for my values as a woman who hopes to have my own family. My happiness varies from time to time, sometimes it is the time with my mom, siblings, and nephew, sometimes it's with friends, sometimes just alone with a cocktail or whiskey, and other times with spiritual silence.

A picture of me after jogging in New York

Success means different things to different people. For some, success may be measured in terms of career achievements and material possessions, while for others, it may be more focused on personal growth and relationships. Family should be at the top of my success agenda.

Growing up, I always saw my parents prioritize their relationship with each other and their children above all else. They made time for family dinners and special occasions, and their love and support for one another were a constant presence in our household. As I have grown older and may one day start my own family, I have realized just how necessary this foundation of love and support is to my well-being and happiness.

In my career, I have always strived to succeed and excel in my field. However, I have also learned that career success should not come at the expense of my family. I have seen firsthand how the demands of a demanding job can strain relationships and cause undue stress on loved ones. I prioritize my family and make time for them, even when my work schedule is busy.

Being a good partner and parent is essential to my success agenda. I seek or plan to be intentionally present, attentive to my spouse and dependents, and a supportive and loving partner. This means being there for them when they need me, whether for a heartfelt conversation or a shoulder to cry. It also means being a good role model for my dependents children, teaching them the values and skills to help them grow into confident and successful adults.

Another aspect of my success agenda is being a supportive member of my extended family and community. This success means being there for my parents and siblings when they need me and being a supportive and involved member of my community. Whether volunteering my time or simply being a good neighbor, being an engaged and supportive member of my community is an integral part of my success.

A lily flower from my mom’s compound

In conclusion, while career success and material possessions are significant, they are not the sole measure of my success. Success is about being a loving and supportive partner, parent, and member of my family and community. By prioritizing these relationships, I can lead a fulfilling and meaningful life that brings me joy and happiness.




EdTech enthusiast, Blockchain, Augmented Reality, Traveller, volunteer, and Semi-Professional Tennis player