Imposter syndrome;here is How?-Academia

If you’re experiencing imposter syndrome in academia, here are a few strategies that may be helpful:

2 min readDec 19, 2022

Refer to my previous article because this is a follow-up.

  1. Recognize that it’s a shared experience: Imposter syndrome is a common experience, and it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Many people, including successful academics, have felt this way at some point. I had intentionally shared with some friends when I was worried about my work or project, or exams. Sometimes they share similar experiences; you are never alone; we encourage each other and soldier on.
These are plates at a store in Frankfurt photo by Elvira K. The photo shows how different patterns and sizes yet they all serve a similar purpose for the people.
  1. Talk to someone you trust: Share your feelings with someone you trust, such as a mentor, a colleague, or a therapist. They can give you perspective and help you see that you deserve success.
  2. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments: Make a list of them, and remind yourself of them when unsure. This approach boosts your confidence and helps you internalize your successes.
  3. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors. This approach can help you understand what you’re doing well and where you can improve, and it can also help you see that others value your contributions.
  4. Set realistic goals: Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable. This approach can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and like you must live up to your or others’ expectations.
  5. Take care of yourself: Make sure you’re taking care of your physical and emotional well-being. Eat well, exercise, and make time for activities that you enjoy.
  6. Seek support: If you’re struggling with imposter syndrome, seek support from a therapist or counselor. They can help you work through your feelings and develop strategies to cope with imposter syndrome.




EdTech enthusiast, Blockchain, Augmented Reality, Traveller, volunteer, and Semi-Professional Tennis player